DC Comics & The Flash #799 Spoilers & Review: The Terrifics, The Furious, An Hourman & Gold Beetle On The Cusp Of The Flash #800!


DC Comics and The Flash #799 Spoilers and Review follows.

The Flash Family logo

The Terrifics, The Furious, An Hourman and Gold Beetle On The Cusp Of The Flash #800!

What To Expect.

Flash #799 spoilers 0-1 Taurin Clarke

Variant cover by MIKE PERKINS and MIKE SPICER
Variant cover by ETHAN YOUNG
1:25 variant cover by EDWIN GALMON
1:50 foil variant cover by TAURIN CLARKE
$3.99 US | 32 pages | $4.99 US (card stock)

Uncovering the truth about what happened to their third child, Wally and team must infiltrate the dangerous compound known as the Nest in hopes of saving their newborn, while battling the formidable Granny Goodness!

In addition the main cover and solicitation above the title has a few variant covers below.

Flash #799 spoilers 0-2 Taurin Clarke Flash #799 spoilers 0-3 Ethan Young Flash #799 spoilers 0-4 Edwin Galmon with Kid Flash

The Flash #799 Spoilers and Review.

We open with a Star Trek themed opening page to get readers caught up on where or when the Flash and his allies are in their mission to free his new kidnapped son Wade from Granny Goodness.

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Gold Beetle and the Omega-Bam-Man surprisingly take down the initial two behemoths only to be confronted by the biggest behemoth of all the Anti-Monitor?!

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At the same time, Hourman, Mister Terrific and the Flash has their hands full with Granny Goodness and “her” kids who she has dubed The Furious.

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Granny Goodness attempts to escape the fisticuff festivities with Wade leaving the Furious behind, but the Flash follows; Granny Goodness has a plan that essentially harnesses the Eternity Mind along with the Forever Corridor to outrun per se the Flash.

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She explains that The Furious are children she kidnapped from powerful parentage including Mister Terrific himself?!

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The Flash runs the fastest he ever has to foil the Eternity Mind and Forever Corridor combo that Granny Goodness used to try to keep him at bay.

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The Flash explains who the Furious are and Mister Terrific scans them and discovers that indeed one of them is his son as well as committing to the find the parents of the other two.

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It seems the tag team of Gold Beetle and Omega-Bam-Man have ALSO inexplicably defeated the Anti-Monitor as the Flash and friends head back home through the timestream or somesuch.

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However, it’s a journey that took longer than expected, but the Flash family is reunited to end the issue.

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The Pulse.

A fun issue with cool fan service including the Gold Beetle and woefully underutilized Hourman that ends with the Flash still have three children in the end. The issue does not end on a cliffhanger leading into the milestone the Flash #800. Ok story generally with decent art. 7 out of 10.

John is a long-time pop culture fan, comics historian, and blogger. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief at Comics Nexus. Prior to being EIC he has produced several column series including DEMYTHIFY, NEAR MINT MEMORIES and the ONE FAN'S TRIALS at the Nexus plus a stint at Bleeding Cool producing the COMICS REALISM column. As BabosScribe, John is active on his twitter account, his facebook page, his instagram feed and welcomes any and all feedback. Bring it on!